وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
Patented Support

Scientifically prove to hold the head and neck in ergonomic position

4.6/5 on Trustpilot

Join thousands of customers that enjoy easier travels

وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة
وسادة trtl باردة

وسادة trtl باردة

Keeps you cool and fresh

Rated 4.8 out of 5
Based on 65 reviews
Regular price $79.99
Sale price $79.99 Regular price $-0.01 You save $-80.00
استيقظ باردًا وهادئًا ومجمعًا. الوسادة الجديدة الرائعة للمسافرين الذين يريدون تجربة نوم منعشة.

لماذا هو خاص:
وسادة السفر الوحيدة التي تدعم رأسك بالكامل، مما يسمح لك بالنوم بأقصى قدر من الراحة (وافق أكثر من 1,000,000 عميل سعيد).
لا يوجد ألم في الرقبة، أوجاع، أو إجهاد. ستستيقظ في وجهتك مرتاحًا ومنتعشًا (مع احتمال أقل للإصابة باضطراب الرحلات الجوية الطويلة بعد رحلة طويلة).
التصميم المبتكر يعني ضغطًا أقل على عمودك الفقري وعضلاتك، مما يعني أنه بغض النظر عن طول المسافة، ستشعر بالاسترخاء والراحة.
يساعد دعم الكتف المصمم بذكاء على إبقاء رأسك في وضع أكثر طبيعية، دون تمايل الرأس، حتى تستمتع بنوم أطول وأعمق.
مصنوعة من قماش Tencel، وسادة Trtl Cool رائعة الملمس. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لمزيد من الراحة - وبدون تعرق على الرقبة - فهو بارد وجيد التهوية.
توفر لوحة التهوية الشبكية المبتكرة تهوية رائعة - إنها أفضل وسادة لدينا حتى الآن لتنظيم الحرارة.
للحفاظ على الأشياء منعشة للغاية، فإن وسادة Trtl Cool مضادة للروائح والبكتيريا، لمزيد من راحة البال. كما أنه قابل للغسل ويسهل العناية به في المنزل، لذلك فهو جاهز دائمًا لرحلتك القادمة.
راحة محسنة - يتوفر الدعم الداخلي المبتكر الآن داخل غطاء إسفنجي مبطن لمزيد من الثبات (بدون انزلاق) وراحة أكبر.
إنه أنيق وغير ضخم - فهو يشبه الوشاح أكثر من كونه وسادة - ومن السهل تعديله للحصول على ملاءمة رائعة ودعم مطلق. إنه خفيف الوزن للغاية، لذلك لن يثقل كاهلك.
لقد ثبت علميًا أنها توفر دعمًا أفضل من وسادة السفر التقليدية على شكل حرف U.
خيار أكثر استدامة - لقد قمنا بتقليل عدد المواد الاصطناعية في الوسادة وقمنا بتحويل شارتنا المميزة من السيليكون إلى الجلد النباتي.
حافظ على وسادتك نظيفة وآمنة مع حقيبة الحمل الجديدة المقاومة للماء والتي يمكن تثبيتها على حقيبتك أو ملابسك، بحيث لا تذهب وسادتك أبدًا في مغامرة بدونك.



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Unlike traditional travel pillows, Trtl provides complete head support without the bobbing, neck pain, or discomfort often experienced with other options. Its scientifically-proven internal support system ensures better head and neck alignment, promoting a more restful sleep experience. Additionally, it’s lightweight, compact, and easy to carry - making it the best choice for travelers who want quality rest on the go.

Its patented design fits any neck shape, jaw, and shoulder, ensuring the most comfortable sleep possible on the move. The Trtl Pillow is scientifically proven to hold any head and neck in a better ergonomic position compared to traditional travel pillows.

Using the Trtl Travel Pillow is incredibly easy. Simply undo the fastening, position the internal support comfortably against your neck, and wrap like a scarf. Alternatively, you can place the Trtl Pillow between your neck and seat for support while reading, watching a movie, or daydreaming out the window.

The Trtl Travel Pillow is designed to be super lightweight and easy to carry, pack, or wrap around. It’s also conveniently machine washable, thanks to its super-soft, hypoallergenic fabric. Unlike regular U-shaped pillows constructed with memory foam, Trtl Pillows are fast-drying, making them easy to keep fresh for your next adventure. Taking up less than half the size and weight of a classic travel pillow, it’s the ideal choice for easy travelling.

Need to make some adjustments? To find your perfect fit, we recommend trying one of these 3 positions:

- Holding the pillow area closer to your neck before wrapping will provide more support. This can be helpful if you have a slightly longer neck, as this allows the scarf to be looser whilst still supporting your head and neck.

- Try wrapping the Trtl Pillow with your ear and jaw tucked inside the pillow so that they rest against the middle of curved pillow section, rather than on the top edge of the support.

- If you find that the angle of your neck is not quite perfect for you, you can also try experimenting with positioning the support further down towards the chin and front of your neck. This can help keep your head and neck in a more upright position.

We are confident you will love your Trtl product, however you can return your order within 100 days of purchase. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Patented Support

Scientifically prove to hold the head and neck in ergonomic position

4.6/5 on Trustpilot

Join thousands of customers that enjoy easier travels

وسادة trtl باردة
Regular price $79.99
Sale price $79.99 Regular price $-0.01 You save $-80.00

Top features

Patented support

Designed to support your head and relieve stress on your spine and muscles

Cushioning foam cover

For improved comfort


Left? Right? Middle? It will support your neck in a way that works for you. Use as you prefer

Cooling, breathable fabric

Anti-odour and anti bacterial viscose

Waterproof carry bag

Easy to attach to your bag using the handy carabiner

Machine Washable

Just take out the internal support and toss in the washing machine on the cold setting (30°)

average rating 4.8 out of 5
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98% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
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65 Reviews
Reviewed by Latorya W., from United States
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
  • 5.9ft
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Awesome sleep

I was skeptical about this product. I recently bought it for an international flight to Africa that required 4 different plane rides, 2 of which were 9 hours long. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible since I couldn’t afford to upgrade my seat from economy. Instead I did upgrade my pillow before leaving on my trip, I tested the pillow at home and I must admit I came close to returning it because it wasn’t comfortable in my recliner. But I’m so glad I changed my mind and brought it on my trip anyway. Sitting upright on the plane I immediately could tell the difference with the pillow and I actually was able to sleep comfortable sitting up without having to recline my seat and making my neighbors suffer. I have chronic neck and back pain and the day I left for my trip I was in severe pain so I figured I would wake up with a stiff neck and in pain. I actually woke up rested and wanted to keep sleeping and I was able to sleep for most of the flight. I also love how compact it was, very easy to fit in the case and strap to your backpack or put inside and still have plenty of room. Thanks Trtl for making my flight pleasant and helping me wake refreshed and without pain!!!

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Reviewed by Christopher W., from Australia
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
  • 5.7ft
Rated 5 out of 5
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Could sleep on the plane

New plane sleeping experience

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Reviewed by Katia P., from Australia
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
  • 5.9ft
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Works a treat!

The Trtl pillow was comfortable to use on both long-haul airplane and bus trips. It's compact and easy to carry, including in our back pack for bus travel on our journeys. I also even found another use for it, using it as a neck-rest while it was kept in it's pouch.

Rated 4 out of 5
Rated 4 out of 5
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